Sunday, March 28, 2010


The history of roses “roses are blue”

The Roses have a very long history. It was first cultivated by ancient civilization 5,000 years ago and more than 25,000 varities have been produced since then, such colours as Red, Pink, White and Yellow. One colour that has proved impossible was blue. The pigment that makes other flowers blue is called delphidin, but roses lack the genes to produce it. In June 30, 2004, an Australian Company, had created the world’s first blue rose something that had long been considered the grail of horticulturalists. The team of developers intends to continue efforts to make roses bluer and also consider any possible effect on other plants and the environment with the goal of releasing this new flowers commercially in 2007 or 2008!


Trees and forests are gift of Nature. In this world trees are useful for us. How they are useful? Let us see them.

If we grow more trees we will get oxygen for breathing, fruits and vegetable for eating and they are giving mainly rainfall. n this world so many land dry because of no, rainfall we can see this place in Dubai, Rajasthan in India etc. So they have no plant more trees for rainfall. The Scientist are producing the medicine from the trees and plans. They are producing the medicine from the trees and plants. They are producing the medicine from oak, shishara, Eucalypus, Neem etc.

Eucalypus is useful for us. It is used to cure head ache, body pain, etc. Neem is also useful for us. It is used to cure the disease such as skin allergy, skin disease etc. In old days the scientist are using the chemicals for curing the disease. But they will the side effect.
We must be live like trees. For example we can take the Banana tree. From its root to the last flower are using this tree. We are using all the parts of the Banana tree. We are eating the Banana fruit, flower and stem. Banana leaves are used as plates.

If you see a picture of a beautiful forest one second you will forget you. Let us see about the beautiful forests, there are different types of forest. In that now we can see about the evergreen forest. In that now we can see about the ever green forest and the deciduous Forest. First of all we can see the beautiful forest.

There are so many types of evergreen forest. In that we can the tropical evergreen forest. Mid-latitude ever green forest. Mid latitude evergreen forest. Mid latitude ever gree are found on the countries of Brazil, Africa, Australia. These types of forest are having the trees of oak, Shisham, etc. Tropical evergreen forest are rich in the countries of North polar region. These forest extend as continous belt are the North Polar region.
How beauty are they. But now a days we are destroying them, for fire wood, to make furniture etc. Some of the rich persons are buying the forest cover area and they are cutting the beautiful trees such as oak, sandal, eucalyptus etc. But we should not do like that. We want to preserve the forest because I had already said that they are gift of Nature. We should not use the in proper way. If we continuously do like this means the wild life would be damaged (or) disturbed. We should never do like them. We want to preserve the wild life. Because like the animals. So, we want to preserve the forest form the deforestation and we want to save the wild life, for the welfare of the nations and the people in the world.


When I am happy my friend should be my smile.
When I am hungry my friend should be my food.
When I am in pain my friend should be my medicine.
When I am thirsty my friend should be my water.
When I am suffocated my friend should be my air.

Today is day of
The rest of your life
Yesterday is a dream and tomorrow is a vision.

A birthday is time for reminisces
and fond recollections of memorable
movements in the past years.
A birthday holds a promise of a bright
and happy future.

We are the flower of the same garden.
We are the birds of the same nests.
We are the waves of the same sea.
We are the stars of the same galaxy.
We are the rays of same light.
We are the fruits of the same tree.
We are the students of the same friendship.

Star has 5 End.
Rectangle has 4 End.
Triangle has 3 End.
Life has one end.
But friends have no End.

Sun is Sunday.
Moon is Monday.
But friend has one day.
That’s your birthday.

R for Rose
Rose for Red.
Red for Blood.
Blood for life.
Life for friend.
Friend for the end.


With Money you can buy a house
But not a home.
With Money you can buy a clock
But not time.
With Money you can buy bed
But not sleep.
With Money you can buy a book
But not knowledge.
With money you can buy a doctor.
But not good health.
With money you can buy a good position.
But no good respect.
With money you can buy blood.
But not life.


M is the “MILLION” things she gives us.
O is for her “ocean”
T is for her “TOLERANT” nature.
H is for her “HEART” of purest gold.
E is for her “EYES”
R is for her “RIGHT” things she gives us


Our mind is like a garden.
It can be intelligently cultivated.
Our mind is like a computer.
Therefore it is programmable.
Our mind is like a blank account.
Let’s deposit good ideas.
Our mind is like a parachute.
It works only when it is open.


AF – Ambitious Friend.
BF – Best Friend.
CF – Close Friend.
DF – Dear Friend.
EF – Every Friend.
FF – Family Friend.
GF – Good Friend.
HF – Helping Friend.
IF – Innocent Friend.
JF – Joly Friend.
KF – Kind Friend.
LF – Lovely Friend.
MF – Merry Friend.
NF – Naughty Friend.
OF – Only Friend.
PF – Personal Friend.
QF – Ouiet Friend.
RK – Rap Friend.
SF – Star Friend.
TF – Thick Friend.
UF – Understanding Friend.
VF – Valuable Frined.
WF – Wonderful Friend.
XF – Xlent Friend.
YF – Youthful Friend.
ZF – Zealously Friend.


Call the time
It does not come back
Stop the time
It does not wait
Go back with time
It does not help
Get along with time
You get success.

“To forgive is divine”

Life is too short
to be spent in fault finding
holding grudges or keeping memory
of wrongs done to us.
Forgive even before forgiveness
is asked.

Saturday, March 27, 2010


(1) ALU- Arithmetic and Logic Unit.

(2) UNIVAC- Universal automatic computer.

(3) ENIAC- Eletronic Numerical Integrator And Calculator

(4) BIT- Binary Digit.

(5) IC- Integrated Circuits (or) Integrated Chips.

(6) AI- Artifical Iintelligenct.

(7) CPU- Central Processing Unit.

(8) DOS- Disk Opreatin System.

(9) PDA- Presonal Digital assistance.

(10) DMA- Direct Memory Acess.
ASCII- American Standard Code for Information and Interchange.
LSB- Least significant Bit.
MSB- Most significant Bit.
KB- Kilobyte.

(15) MB-Mega Byte.
GB- Giga byte.
TB- Tera Byte.
(18) PB- Peta byte.
EB- Exa byte.
ZB- Exa byte.
YB- Yotta Byte.
RAM- Random Acess Memory.
ROM- Read Only Memory.
PROM- Programmable Read Only Memory.
EPROM- Erasable - Programmable Read Only Memory.

(26) MICR- Magnetic Ink Character Recognition.

(27) OCR- Optical Mark Recognition.

28) OMR- Optical Mark Reading.

29) CD- Compact Disk.

(30) GUI- Graphical User Interface.

(31) LAN- Local Area Network.

(32) WAN- Wide Area Network.

(33) MAN- Metropolitian Area Network.

(34) ATM- Automatic Teller Machine.

(35) NIC- Network Interface Card.

(36) ME- Millennium Edition.

(37) xp- Extra Power.

(38) MODEM- Modulation and Demodulation.

(39) TCP- Transmission Control Protocol.

(40) URL- Uniform Resource Locator.

(41) HTTP- Hyper Text Transfer Protocol.

(42) HTML- Hyper Text Markup Language.
(43) WWW-
World Wide Web.
FTP- File Transfer Protocol.
ISP- Internet Service Provider.
CAD- Computer Aided Design.
E-MAIL- Eletronic mail.
GIF- Graphics Interchange Format.
WYSIWYG- What You See Is What You Get.
POSIX- Portable Operating System.
ACM- Association for Computing Machine.
ADC- Analog Digital Computer.
FORTRAN- Formula Translator.
ADC- Analog Digital Conventor.
ADP- Automatic Data Processing.
AIM- Abstract on INdustraial Materials.
AM- Amplitude Modulation.
American National Standard.
AP- Attached Processor.
APTIC- Air Pollution Techincal Information Center.
ASCC- Automatic Sequence Controlled Calculator.
AWC- Association of Women in Coputers.(USA)
(63) CAE- Computer Aided Engineering.
CICS- Customer Information Control System.
CMOS- Complimentary Metal Oxide Silicon.
EOP- End of Program.
(67) IDP- Integraded Data Processing.
Character PER Second.
LAP- Link Access Protocol.
(70) DBMS- Data base Management System.
OS- Operating System.


· Fifth sense searching nature

Sixth sense searching future.

· Thank without thinking.

· Like is like a mirror

live with out error.

· Young or Old you should be Bold.

· Day or Night you should be bright.

· Fat or lean you should be clean.

· Noon or Moon you have to work soon.

· North or south you should be worth.

· A-Grade or B-grade don’t degrage.

· Things break by using – hammer

· English breaks by no using – grammar.

· You can easily operate

your life by co-operatiion.

· To win avoid sin.

· Without income no welcome.