Saturday, March 27, 2010


(1) ALU- Arithmetic and Logic Unit.

(2) UNIVAC- Universal automatic computer.

(3) ENIAC- Eletronic Numerical Integrator And Calculator

(4) BIT- Binary Digit.

(5) IC- Integrated Circuits (or) Integrated Chips.

(6) AI- Artifical Iintelligenct.

(7) CPU- Central Processing Unit.

(8) DOS- Disk Opreatin System.

(9) PDA- Presonal Digital assistance.

(10) DMA- Direct Memory Acess.
ASCII- American Standard Code for Information and Interchange.
LSB- Least significant Bit.
MSB- Most significant Bit.
KB- Kilobyte.

(15) MB-Mega Byte.
GB- Giga byte.
TB- Tera Byte.
(18) PB- Peta byte.
EB- Exa byte.
ZB- Exa byte.
YB- Yotta Byte.
RAM- Random Acess Memory.
ROM- Read Only Memory.
PROM- Programmable Read Only Memory.
EPROM- Erasable - Programmable Read Only Memory.

(26) MICR- Magnetic Ink Character Recognition.

(27) OCR- Optical Mark Recognition.

28) OMR- Optical Mark Reading.

29) CD- Compact Disk.

(30) GUI- Graphical User Interface.

(31) LAN- Local Area Network.

(32) WAN- Wide Area Network.

(33) MAN- Metropolitian Area Network.

(34) ATM- Automatic Teller Machine.

(35) NIC- Network Interface Card.

(36) ME- Millennium Edition.

(37) xp- Extra Power.

(38) MODEM- Modulation and Demodulation.

(39) TCP- Transmission Control Protocol.

(40) URL- Uniform Resource Locator.

(41) HTTP- Hyper Text Transfer Protocol.

(42) HTML- Hyper Text Markup Language.
(43) WWW-
World Wide Web.
FTP- File Transfer Protocol.
ISP- Internet Service Provider.
CAD- Computer Aided Design.
E-MAIL- Eletronic mail.
GIF- Graphics Interchange Format.
WYSIWYG- What You See Is What You Get.
POSIX- Portable Operating System.
ACM- Association for Computing Machine.
ADC- Analog Digital Computer.
FORTRAN- Formula Translator.
ADC- Analog Digital Conventor.
ADP- Automatic Data Processing.
AIM- Abstract on INdustraial Materials.
AM- Amplitude Modulation.
American National Standard.
AP- Attached Processor.
APTIC- Air Pollution Techincal Information Center.
ASCC- Automatic Sequence Controlled Calculator.
AWC- Association of Women in Coputers.(USA)
(63) CAE- Computer Aided Engineering.
CICS- Customer Information Control System.
CMOS- Complimentary Metal Oxide Silicon.
EOP- End of Program.
(67) IDP- Integraded Data Processing.
Character PER Second.
LAP- Link Access Protocol.
(70) DBMS- Data base Management System.
OS- Operating System.


· Fifth sense searching nature

Sixth sense searching future.

· Thank without thinking.

· Like is like a mirror

live with out error.

· Young or Old you should be Bold.

· Day or Night you should be bright.

· Fat or lean you should be clean.

· Noon or Moon you have to work soon.

· North or south you should be worth.

· A-Grade or B-grade don’t degrage.

· Things break by using – hammer

· English breaks by no using – grammar.

· You can easily operate

your life by co-operatiion.

· To win avoid sin.

· Without income no welcome.